Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Rest of the Summer
And just to cap off our summer - the day before school starts - while I was at ortho. appts, other errands and that meeting with teachers for Brianna and Kenzie's vision issues, our house was being broken into! Yes, you read that right. I had left Carly and Aaron home to finish cleaning their rooms (about 30 minutes), then they went next door to play the rest of the time. They left the front door unlocked and the house was unattended for 3 hours. We were cleaned out pretty good, I think our tally was over $20,000 worth of technology and jewelry. All that stuff is replaceable except for Paul's scriptures that he'd had since his mission, my wedding ring and our peace of mind. Some things just can't be replaced. We have all been pretty disturbed and I'm not feeling all too comfortable and secure in my home right now. Carly was even blaming herself that first day (she's doing fine now) saying that "When I was going to the neighbors, something told me to go and lock the front door and I didn't do it." It was a tough day and week actually. We're talking to an alarm company on Friday and will probably be getting a gate.
But the start of school went fine (no pics of Carly and Aaron because our nice camera was stolen and Paul's camera's battery was dead when I pulled it out that morning). Brianna and Kenzie are both liking their teachers and classes. They even have the same seminary period this year. They're enjoying that. Carly got the teacher she wanted and Aaron's back at Machias Elementary (our neighborhood school). NO MORE COMMUTING TO EVERETT!!! Just a little thrilled about that - sorry! He's adjusting fine. He feels like he has no friends yet, he's an 8 year old in a class with 9-11+ year olds. Academically it's going alright, he hates the writing he has to do, but what's new! Aaron's playing soccer, and Carly's starting piano back next week.
Here's to calmer waters and smoother sailing....
We're still here!
Hangin at the beach, while the boat is hauling people around. Plenty of shade and sun, depending on your preference. The kids enjoyed playing in the sand, while some enjoyed reading and painting (grandma). Some tubing pics. The following three are of Susan, myself and Tami. It wasn't pretty. These three show how Tami had ahold of my leg and pulled me in with her. I didn't include the pic of our fannies flying in the air (no one needs to see that one), but you get the idea. I would have been just fine, cept for Tami!
Susan's so proud of herself for staying on. She had her moment in the water in the next run though! Next it was the dad's (Paul and Steve) turn.
The kids enjoyed themselves on the tube too. Rachel, Kailey and Kenzie:
Carly being helped back on the tube by Kailey and Kenzie:
Rachel, Alise and Kenzie. Kenzie's in a lot of these, huh?:Grandpa and Grandma didn't want to miss out on the fun. These two are quite daring for 76ish years old! Rachel got on with them to balance out the tube and so Grandma could be in the middle.
The water was often smooth as glass. Here are some very excited kids, ready to get out there and board! TJ, Rachel, Brianna, Aaron and Kenzie:
Me, giving wakeboarding a whirl. I had done this a couple times in the past. Never a pretty experience, but I do get up, go a bit, then promptly go down. For a girl who never was able to get up on water skis, not too shabby!TJ, showing his impressive moves:
Brianna got a lot more comfortable this trip, being able to board almost every day. She got over both wakes and even got a bit of air and landed it!
Steve being tricky with his water camera:
Steve's showing some of his sweet moves:
Then it's Paul's turn:
Rachel is a chip off the ole block - Steve's block:
This was Carly's first time boarding too. A natural, and pretty excited about it. The jet skiers (in the background) had a lot of fun riding the wakes too!
This was Carly's last day to board, she got pretty tricky too. Was able to go over both wakes. Here she is saying : "Oh Yeah!" after she crossed the wake successfully. Really, that's what she was saying!
Aaron's first time boarding this trip too. He just popped right up and rode for quite a while. He crossed the wake successfully too! A happy boy here!
The jet skiers had a good time. The kids enjoyed driving it themselves. Here's Aaron and Kenzie driving with Paul:
After a hard day playing, we would hang and play games, read and just hang together. Grandma never knew a chair she couldn't take a nap in:
Susan, Paul, Todd, Tami and Steve playing Mexican Train:
Kids reading and playing scattergories
It was a great week. Thanks everyone for all the fun! Here's to next year!