Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Daddy Comes to Visit

My dad and co. stayed on for a number of days after graduation. My other three kids were in school, so we didn't have any BIG plans - mostly just hanging out - which is what we do BEST! Here are a few pics of our beautiful driveway art - compliments of Brianna and Morgan:

On Saturday, June 13th, we did venture out - ALL the way to downtown Seattle. It had been a number of years since we did this with my dad, and almost as long since our kids had done the "touristy" things down there. First, we went to Pike Place Market. Carly and Aaron with a pig:
Morgan loving the pig a bit TOO much:
Carly, Aaron, Paul, Kenzie, Brianna and Morgan, taking the stairs, while Dad, Pat, Max and I wait for the elevator up.
It was a crazy, hot, summer, Saturday at the Market. These kinds of crowds stress me out! Shoulda done this on a weekday - note to others who come to Seattle for a visit!!
After that crowded, stinky, experience, we headed over to Seattle Center to head up the Space Needle. The 605 ft. Space Needle was built for the Seattle World's Fair in 1962. Here are Morgan, Max, Carly, Brianna, Aaron and Kenzie at the base:
Pat, Morgan and Max stayed at the bottom, while the rest of us went up. It was a pretty decent day for a good view - a bit too hazy to see the mountains, but the city was quite visible! Dad, Kenzie, Brianna and Amy:
Aaron - and Kenzie off to the right:
The body of water at the bottom of this pic, is Lake Union - lots of boats and seaplanes out this day. Mid-distance right beyond I-5, is the U of W, where Paul graduated. In the distance is Lake Washington:
Our Family: Brianna, Kenzie, Amy, Paul, Carly and Aaron:
The kids with Grandpa:
Downtown Seattle:
Looking down at the E.M.P (Experience Music Project) at the base of the Space Needle:
Also, at the Seattle Center, are fair type rides. Here are Aaron and Carly enjoying one of them:

As I said, we mostly just hung around and played games - Rummy was a favorite:
And Blokus:
And Bananagrams - I see a few misspelled words, Morgan!
Sure do love when my family visits - with being so far from them all, it doesn't happen nearly enough! Always makes me sad when they leave...

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