Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yeah, Carly and Farewell to the Old Machias Elementary

Carly had her 6th grade promotion on June 16th. She had a pretty good year with Mr. Menia and is excited to move on to Centennial Middle School next school year. She's a bit nervous about the change, but excited about ALL the new friend possibilities! This is a pic of Carly greeted by her principal, Mrs. Schilaty:
Receiving her certificate from Mr. Menia:
A happy girl, with her friend, Tessa McIntyre:
Yeah, Carly!
This was an especially special year, because it was the last 6th grade class to "graduate" from the "Old" Machias Elementary. After school ends, it will be demolished and a new one built over the next year and a half. I attended an the end of school assembly, and it was a bit emotional for me. At one part, they had a couple 6th graders kids go and ring the bell for the last time, 10 times. We were instructed to think of all our happy Machias memories while they rang it. It hit me - all my kids had gone here - so many great teachers, and so many great memories! We were told that they brick from the old building would be ground down and used in the foundation for the new building (the 6th graders got to write all over the brick the last day - they thought it was cool to think about being a part of the new building too!). The bell would also be the bell they use in the new school - it was actually the bell from the original Machias Elementary from over 30 years ago - great, history, tradition and memories! Here is a sign that hangs above the stage in the gym:
Under the covered area out back:
Out front with all my kids. Those pictures running along the top of the building, were done by Brianna and her grade a number of years ago:
A new building is a great thing - this one has seen better days and is being held together by a band-aid - but it had character and the education and love my kids got here is priceless!

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